Design and structure of website that conveys Swedish Space Corporation’s unique position within an industry that’s enjoying explosive growth.
Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)
- Strategy
- Web design
- Animation
- Illustration
We help earth benefit from Space! That’s Swedish Space Corporation’s mission.
SSC’s website is the hub for a Swedish company that has 50 years of experience in space services and operations around the world – and above all beyond our planet. Appelberg’s assignment consisted of creating a website that details SSC’s various services while also underlining and consolidating the skills and experience that SSC possesses.
“Embracing the past, welcoming the future” was the guiding star for the project. More filmed material, the wow factor and a modern style of expression were on the client’s wish list when Appelberg was commissioned to create a new website for SSC.
SSC is a collaborator in several Space projects. It markets its services to both commercial and non-commercial actors and it also has a public information mission. The website is designed so that every visitor, regardless of needs and interests, will find information that is relevant to them. At the same time, SSC wanted to visualise its brand as a reliable and experienced player with great ambitions for the future.
The client’s wish was for the new website to convey SSC as being a company at the forefront of today’s Space services industry, while also showing where its history has played an important role. More prominence was given to SSC customer case studies and to films to illustrate SSC’s experience and give practical examples of its work in a fast-developing industry where few have actual experience of the services offered.
The design of the home page is based on elements that move at different speeds: a parallax effect, which creates a 3D depth of field. The Northern Lights are a consistent element in the visual language to highlight SSC’s base above the Arctic Circle and to emphasise Esrange’s unique place and setting in the Space industry.
The new website has a contemporary expression that distinguishes SSC from its competitors. The idiom conveys the fact that SSC has been around for a long time and is an authority in the industry, while the visual language showsthat Esrange is a unique place for SSC’s operations. The complete design system allows solutions for all possible content and design updates. Filmed material has a lot of space on the website, where autoplay and parallax scroll create reader engagement and interaction.
Would you like to find out more?

Marie Antonsson
Project Manager
+46 (0)73 684 53 04
[email protected]